A camel, gumboots, and a yard full of cattle

Host: Lochon Contracting
Written by Tini O’Loughlin – Owner, Lochon Contracting.

Welcome to this week on Central Station. I am Tini from Lochon Contracting. Locky and I will be hosting this blog for the next seven days. We are currently contract mustering on Bulka Station and Margaret River Station.

Haydn and Locky at Margaret RiverHaydn & Locky at Margaret River Station.

The last six weeks have been very exciting and challenging. We had a good run the first few weeks, mustering into two different yards on Bulka Station, one being the homestead yard, where we also processed all the weaners in a fabulous hydraulic weaner cradle.

Bulka StationBulka Station.

Shaun at Margaret River homstead yardShaun at Margaret River Station.

The other yard is called Wattle Springs, which is located in one of the most spectacular landscapes. We were camping right next to this beautiful spring, with crystal clear water filling little pools. Checking the fences regularly, we drove around and watched the sun set over the hills in the distance (of course I never had my camera on me that day).

At Wattle Springs we mainly just drafted the cattle and sent off the bigger weaners for processing at the homestead yard. However ordinary this job may sound to anyone who handles cattle for a living, I can tell you that the camel (a dromadary as a matter of fact) that took the lead during the muster, made this yard look rather unusual and was an amusement to all.

What am I doing here

This long legged, long necked, humped animal can pull the funniest faces, it didn’t back down from a fight with a cranky bull and it drafted surprisingly well. When we eventually let it out, it ran in big strides for 100 metres, stopped, turned around and took one last look at these creatures (us!) that made it run around the yard all day. Farewell camel!

Ladydog, the camel and the cattleLadydog, the camel and the cattle.

Back at the homestead yard the drafting and processing was going well. We were nearly finished and looked at the last little mob of weaners with great pleasure, when the weather hit us. The rain front sent some lovely clouds ahead, but it didn’t take long and the rain invited itself onto the place. The temperature dropped to around ten degrees Celsius in the morning, the Dryzabone was put on, and the hat pulled down a bit more. All we could do was to make sure the few head of cattle left in the yard were on higher ground, had enough hay to chew on and . . . well, water to drink. Luckily we were able to keep processing a couple of days later and even the gum boots could go back in the shed.

holding the mobHolding a mob of cattle.

One week ago, we packed up our camp and moved to Margaret River Station, where we mustered a few paddocks with sale cattle. It all went very smoothly, mustering one day and allowing the cattle to settle, drafting the next day and trucking the day after. We are just getting ready for another muster now. It should be an exciting week!

behind the tailBehind the tail of the mob.

getting ready Warrick and Shaun musteringWarrick & Shaun mustering on bikes.

So stay tuned.

Tini and Locky
